My Dream For A Better World

I have a dream that people need to start being helpful. I have a dream that there would be no hatred in the world. I have a dream that there would be more joyful people in the world. I have a dream that no more animals should be harmed. I have a dream that people would come to god to ask for forgiveness and accept god in your life. I have many more dreams and I hope for the best to come for everyone.

Who Made The Flag

In my opinion i think Betsy Ross made the first flag because Betsy Ross knew general Washington. Betsy Ross was in Flag making skills so i think she can make a perfect five-pointed star. Francis Hopkinson had two receipts one was the Navy flag and the other one got rejected. Betsy never got rejected so i think Betsy Ross made the first flag.


“True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.”


A day of service is honoring Martin Luther King Jr because he was service he does service every day because he is a kind man because he was a preacher and he was also the civil rights leader and he won the nobel peace prize.


Why you do a day of service is because Martin Luther King Jr did service every day and we need to honor his service every monday.



Casper The Friendly Ghost

There was a house it was haunted by Casper the friendly ghost. He only stayed in the attic . One night Casper herad a creaking noise then he heard a voice that’s when Casper new somebody had moved in. A couple of days passed A red headed girl named Romio heard a voice in the attic so she went in. She had a mystery to solve. She had seen a ghost He said hi my name is Casper.

3rd Grade Reflection

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